There are many benefits of domes vs. traditional structures:

  • Cost effective long span construction
  • Ultra safe construction with FEMA 361 rated capacity to deal with tornados, hurricanes and earthquakes in an unequaled way
  • Very energy efficient – reducing heating and cooling by nearly half compared to the same sized standard construction
  • FEMA funds may be available to aid in the construction costs when used as community shelters for times of crisis

Thin Shell DOMES construction

 The versatility of a Thin Shell Dome is limitless.  The length of a soccer field varies from 110 to 120 yards and the width should be between 70 and 80 yards.  A 350′ diameter half sphere that is 175′ tall would be the most economical. These domes can be used for a variety of sports.   

#1 Benefit is operating costs and shelter for Storms.  A 20,000 [/] dome in Texas has an operating cost of 10,800.00 a year, or 900.00 a month, and that’s full utilities. 

The thin shell concrete construction method used to build domes costs less money per square foot than other Type I structures.

The technology has been around for centuries, seen as early as the Pantheon in Rome, Italy. What once was a very expensive construction system has now become extremely cost-effective due to new methods of creating the concrete thin shell.

The current method of construction for dome shells has been in continuous use for over 30 years. There are thousands of thin shell domes built in this method all over the world.

Multi Use Domes

Soccer Dome

Their Uses Are INFINITE

Unlike bunkers or buildings that waste space & money, these dome structures fill a dual use. The building can be used 24/7, not just during storms. Whether a classroom, a gym, an auditorium, band room, etc., whatever the need may be, the possibilities are endless.  If your going to build, why not build and gain safety at the same time.

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